Key Findings: Map of Philanthropic Giving in Israel conducted by Shaldor Strategy Consulting

Key Findings: Map of Philanthropic Giving in Israel conducted by Shaldor Strategy Consulting

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The Map of Philanthropic Giving in Israel is based on data and knowledge from a variety of sources. A total of 20 interviews were conducted with large philanthropic foundations operating in Israel, in addition to an online survey of medium and small foundations, and individual donors active in the country.

Below are the key finding:

• The total amount of donations to Israeli NGOs in 2018 is estimated at 20 billion NIS, and comprises approximately 15% of the total income of all NGOs in Israel.

• 27% of contributions are invested in education, 20% in welfare, 19% in philanthropy and volunteerism (including foundations and social organizations, students etc.).

• The donations of large foundations in Israel comprises 1.5-2% of the total income of all NPOs in Israel, which is approximately 2.5-3 billion NIS a year.

• The majority of large foundation donations are invested in areas that are heavily funded by the government, such as education, health, and culture. The foundation donations are small relative to the governmental budgets invested in these areas.

• 56% of the donations from the foundations interviewed for this mapping were invested in education, with the majority of the funds contributed to major leading research universities.

• 7% of the donations from the foundations interviewed for this mapping were invested in health in Israel, with the majority of the funds contributed to building and equipment in hospitals.

• The large foundations in Israel work in four operating models. 1. The traditional model – based on limited collaborations with an emphasis on grant giving. 2. The grant oriented model – with a tendency towards collaboration and joining exisiting projects. 3. The solo strategy model, cooperating with the government. 4. The collaborative model with government and other funders.

• The 58 respondents representing small and medium foundations, and active donors in Israel donated approximately 188 million NIS to NGOs in 2018. Based on this figure, the estimated annual giving to NOGs from these sources is approximately 800 million NIS.

• 24% of donations from small and medium foundations and active donors in Israel who participated in the survey are invested in education. Other fields worth mentioning are welfare (social services), health, advocacy and civil rights organizations.

• The small and medium foundations and active donors in Israel work in four operating models: 1. The traditional model. 2. The grant oriented model. 3. Collaboration with other donors without government funding. 4. Collaboration with the government and other funders.

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